Like other online marketers, you have probably been finding that your text-based Google AdWords ads are not performing as well as they used to. This is primarily because of the incredible rise of video advertising on platforms like YouTube and Facebook.

Video ads stand out and are better able to engage potential customers.  They are a unique way to showcase your expertise, services, unique offerings, upcoming events or any other offering through a highly professional presentation.

Approximately 90% of online ads are placed through Google/YouTube and Facebook. Unfortunately, this creates a lot of “noise” on these platforms that is difficult to cut through.

But placing these ads and maximizing response to them is tricky. What descriptions and captions should I use? What are the optimal keywords for this offering? What videos should I place my YouTube ads in front of?

Why not let High Caliber manage your online video ad campaigns? We can run A/B split tests to determine what video content is producing the best results, identify keywords that perform, optimize the descriptions and captions, and even find the best placements for your YouTube videos. And of course, we can show you metrics that will let you determine how well your campaigns are performing.